No Back Button to Home Page
Sky tested our mobile app on desktop in the inspect view so it was a bit more difficult to zoom in and out of the map. There is also no back button on the map page to return to the home page, which was confusing.
Face filter needs to be updated
Sky noticed that the camera on the face filter is not mirroring like usual front facing cameras. As a result, it is a little bit disorienting to use the filters. Sky also mentioned that it would be good to have a way to take a photo and download them.
Easy to Navigate
Kelly tested the site on a mobile phone so it was easier to zoom in and out of the map. Back buttons on the pop ups made it easy to navigate between them.
Substitute an instruction page for a brief description
Kelly recommended that we have a brief description of our app underneath our header instead of having a separate instructions page.
Face filters are flattering
Face filters sometimes took a while to load but were mostly located underneath the cheeks which were flattering. Like Sky, Kelly noticed how the camera for the face filters was not mirrored which made it a little difficult to use.